Gérard Douffet (?), Hl. Maria Magdalena, oil on canvas (Detail) © Kunstsammlungen & Museen Augsburg, Foto: Andreas Brücklmair

Baroque Images - Paintings from the Collection of the Baroque Gallery

03/31–08/27/2023 at Schaezlerpalais

The Deutsche Barockgalerie is one of the centerpieces of Augsburg's Schaezlerpalais. In the rooms of the enfilade on the second floor of the building, it presents primarily paintings from Augsburg and southern Germany from the 16th to 18th centuries. Hidden from the eyes of visitors, however, lie numerous other treasures in the depots of the art collections and museums that are not part of the permanent exhibition. The exhibition focuses on some of these objects and presents a selection of Baroque and Rococo paintings from Augsburg, southern Germany and Italy, among other places, which illustrate the wide range of 17th and 18th century art.

Among them are works of art already known from previous exhibitions as well as new acquisitions, donations and rediscoveries from the old collection that have rarely been exhibited, have not been exhibited for a long time or have never been exhibited before. A special focus is a selection of Bozzetti - small-format oil sketches that served as preparation for paintings and ceiling frescoes.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on March 30, 2023 at 6 pm. Cordial invitation!