"What would we know of Leopold Mozart today if he had not been the father of his son?" Silke Leopold
Probably far too little. Of course, without him, the "Mozart miracle" would never have happened. But Leopold Mozart is much more than just "the father." In his birthplace in the German city of Mozart, Augsburg, visitors* encounter a fascinating personality with a value all his own. The "Leopold Mozart House" offers a Mozart experience of a special kind: a museum for listening, feeling and participating together.

A true European
Leopold Mozart plans years of travels throughout Europe for himself and his family. In the process, he familiarizes his children with the different cultures and people. In the replica of the family carriage you will feel like the Mozarts on Grand Tour. Leopold reports on his observations, full of humor and thirst for knowledge.
A man of the world
With his family, Leopold crosses national and class boundaries and familiarizes himself and his children with the world of his time. In the process, he slips into ever new garments. How does one dress appropriately when one is the son of a bourgeois, a courtly subject and a distinguished traveler?
A father of prodigies
Leopold Mozart has two musical prodigies and teaches them everything he knows and can. And that is a lot: violin, keyboard instruments and last but not least composing. But how do you learn? You can find out for yourself at our musical construction kit and the two try-out violins.
A marketing genius
What would have become of Wolfgang without his genius father? The "Mozart brand" that is world famous today was founded by Leopold Mozart. Not only did his father commission the Mozarts' first advertising flyer, but bath ducks or kitschy plaster busts would also be unthinkable without Leopold.

An Augsburg Original
The city of his birth played an important role for Leopold Mozart throughout his life. He received his musical and humanistic education from the Jesuits. Later, he established intensive contacts with Protestant businessmen. Go in search of traces in the German city of Mozart!
A father of prodigies
Leopold Mozart has two musical prodigies and teaches them everything he knows and can. And that is a lot: violin, keyboard instruments and last but not least composing. But how do you learn? You can find out for yourself at our musical construction kit and the two try-out violins.
A museum for the senses
Music creates individual experiences for many senses: you can hear it, see it and even feel it. In the "Room Full of Music" you can have your own personal musical experience.