Silver vault
Fine ironwork from the Renaissance to the present day

at Maximilianmuseum

From June 1, 2024, the Maximilian Museum will present Augsburg's goldsmith art from the Renaissance to the Biedermeier period in the Silver Vault, including silver objects from the legacy of collector and patron Kurt Viermetz.

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Philipp Goldbach
Training Images

at H2 – Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst im Glaspalast

The exhibition " Training Images" by Philipp Goldbach at the H2 Center for Contemporary Art in the Glaspalast brings together more than half a million physical images. About ten years ago, the Cologne-based artist began recycling entire slide libraries with photographic reproductions of artworks from universities that had become obsolete as teaching aids due to digitization and are about to be destroyed worldwide.

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The elder Holbein
Augsburg on the cusp of becoming a European art metropolis

at Schaezlerpalais

To mark the 500th anniversary of the death of Hans Holbein the Elder (1465 - 1524), a special exhibition of the painter and draughtsman in his home town is being held in the rooms of the Schaezlerpalais. On display are masterpieces from the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance. A period in which Augsburg also became a leader in the field of fine art.

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Jürgen Scriba
Field service

at Neuen Galerie im Höhmannhaus

Around six years ago, Scriba permanently mounted a camera in his car. This allows him to take photos when he is not actually travelling as a photographer, but on "field service". And yet the images show the photographer's highly subjective perceptions - surreal scenes that the driver's brain normally blocks out in a kind of autopilot mode.

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Twisted Views
Manfred Barnickel

at the Café and Liebertzimmer of the Schaezlerpalais

The Bavarian artist Manfred Barnickel sees the world from above. Viewing things from a higher vantage point widens the field of vision, opens up new perspectives and the world suddenly becomes a plaything for free, childlike thinking that frees itself from the confines of everyday life. "Twisted Views" takes a playful look at our perception and sharpens it.

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Imperial power in copper
The Augsburg town clerks 1548-1806

at Grafischen Kabinett

Exactly 400 years ago, in time for the completion in 1624 of the furnishing of the town hall, which was finished by Elias Holl in 1620, the first series of pictures of Augsburg's town clerks was published in spring. In a thin booklet, published by and at the expense of the important Augsburg engraver Lukas Kilian, the city's aldermen in office since 1548 were presented with elaborate portraits and short biographies.

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André Butzer
Studio exhibition of the Gesellschaft für Gegenwartskunst e.V.

at H2 – Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst im Glaspalast

Butzer has created a cycle of 27 works on paper especially for the GfG, supplemented by a retrospective bundle of 22 sheets, the oldest of which dates from the year 2000. In addition to the diverse drawings and watercolors, there are seven paintings of very different sizes. This compilation exemplifies Butzer's oeuvre. The entire thematic world and his typical figures become comprehensible in their individuality and development.

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You Won’t Find It By Thinking
Franziska Kastner

at Neue Galerie im Höhmannhaus

Franziska Kastner's works are experimental and cross-media. Using elements of photography, video, drawing, text and objects, she creates artistic installations with a multidimensional visual language. In addition to aesthetic stimuli, her work in combination with sound consists of intuition, tension, speed, simultaneity, alienation and continuity.

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Adventure Brazil
Johann Moritz Rugenda's pictorial journey

at Grafisches Kabinett

The exhibition shows almost 30 drawings, watercolors and oil paintings by Johann Moritz Rugendas on Brazil from the holdings of the Augsburg Art Collections, some loans from private collections and the original of the "Malerische Reise in Brasilien" published in 1835.

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Römerlager im Zeughaus
The roman Augsburg in boxes

Römerlager im Zeughaus

After the Roman Museum was closed indefinitely, a new exhibition of known and unknown objects was put together. Under the title "Roman camp - the Roman Augsburg in boxes" we are showing great and impressive finds in seven subject areas.

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Exhibits and installations on childhood and adolescence, life course and works


Bert Brecht's birthplace in Augsburg's Lechviertel has been a memorial site since 1985. Here you can immerse yourself in the life and work of the poet and playwright. The craftsman's house "Auf dem Rain 7" is sandwiched between two Lech canals. Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht was born on February 10, 1898 on the upper floor of the...

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Mozart up close


Augsburg played an important role for Leopold Mozart throughout his life. He received his musical and humanistic education from the Jesuits. Later, he established intensive contacts with Protestant businessmen. Go in search of traces in the German city of Mozart! The "Leopold Mozart House" offers a Mozart experience of a special kind: A museum to listen, feel and participate together...

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