tiny houses 2.0 by brenner
13.07.2024-03.11.2024 at Maximilianmuseum
Friedrich Brenner has by no means retired to the Austragshäusl. Even in his old age, the renowned Augsburg sculptor and medallist is still preoccupied with current topics such as the environmentally friendly and resource-saving construction of residential buildings. As an architect, he realised his ideas of space-saving construction with natural building materials at affordable prices as early as the 1970s.
Four years after his first presentation of designs for small and very small houses, the Maximilianmuseum is showing Brenner's most recent works on the subject of tiny houses, which he has fundamentally rethought. The Bavarian building law, which allows the construction of a building with a gross volume of 75 m3 without planning permission, provided him with a particular incentive.
You are cordially invited to the opening on Friday, 12 July 2024, at 6 pm in the Viermetzhof of the Maximilian Museum.