74th Great Swabian Art Exhibition
26.11.2022–08.01.2023 at Halle 1 – Raum für Kunst im Glaspalast
For the 74th time, artists from the region, curated by the BBK Schwaben-Nord and Augsburg as well as the BBK Allgäu/Schwaben-Süd, show their works to the public at the end of the year. The exhibition, organized with the support of the District of Swabia and the City of Augsburg, among others, provides an overview of recent Swabian art production.
All artists resident in the district of Swabia can apply to participate with a total of three works. A jury will compile a broad spectrum of contemporary art with the exhibited objects. The art prize of the "Große Schwäbische" will also be awarded.
Website BBK with further information about the exhibition >>>
Tue-Sun 10-17 h
Admission: 4 Euro, Combiticket with H2: 7 Euro